Only fiber has the download and speed you need
All Internet Service Providers tout their “download” speed... but very few ever mention their “upload” speed. This is the speed at which you can send information from your computer or device to the web. ValuNet FIBER is the only local provider that offers upload speeds that are equally as fast as download speeds in all of our plans. We call this “synchronous” service but you will call it “wonderful”!
If you use apps like FaceTime, Skype or video chat, if you share lots of photos and videos to social media sites, if you play online games, or if you use cloud storage services like Dropbox or Google Drive – upload speed is incredibly important. Any application that uses the cloud needs high upload speed. And the more internet-connected devices you have, the more upload speed you need.
If you're unhappy with your current Internet because it seems slow or lags, even at a fast download speed, it is probably because your upload speed is too low.

Fiber Benefits At a Glance
Super Fast
Blink and you'll miss it.
Super Fast
Fiber-optic internet is just flat out faster. Upload speeds are equally as fast as download speeds, which means you can share content as it happens.
Future Proof
We'll keep up with technology for you.
Future Proof
Fiber networks are forever and don’t need to be replaced once installed if you need more or faster service. ValuNet can upgrade your service and your speed in a matter of seconds without adding equipment or hardware – NOT by replacing the fiber cables to your home or adding cables.
Ultra Reliable
Always On. Always Works.
Ultra Reliable
Because fiber optic internet cables are made of glass, there is no electricity involved. Unlike the copper wiring used for telephone and cable TV, it’s not easily affected by environmental conditions like storms or electrical interference.
Mega Powerful
Download all you want.
Mega Powerful
Fiber can easily handle multiple users on multiple devices at the same time.
Direct to You
Because you don't want to share.
Direct to You
Our fiber connects directly to your door and your connection is all your own. With cable, you're sharing a connection with many other homes in your neighborhood. Having your own dedicated fiber connection means you always get the speed you pay for. It protects you from bottlenecks. With cable internet, speeds can slow down during high-volume times.
Clean & Green
Fiber can help save the world.
Clean & Green
Fiber can transmit more data over longer distances and still use less energy than traditional copper cables. This helps reduce carbon dioxide emissions. ValuNet Fiber uses pure light to transmit data to your home so, while you enjoy faster speeds you are also being good to mother earth!
Our customers us. You will too.
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